Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Informal International Partners

  • University of Kent (USA)

  • Krylov methods

  • University of Purdue (USA)

  • High Performance Scientific Computing

  • University of San Diego (USA)

  • Hydrogeology

LIRIMA laboratory: momappli team (Cameroon)

Participant : Bernard Philippe.

  • Program: Laboratoire International de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées

  • Title: Modélisation Mathématique et Applications

  • Inria principal investigator: Bernard Philippe

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): University of Yaounde, Cameroon - Norbert Noutchegueme

  • Duration: 2010-2013

  • See also: http://www.lirima.uninet.cm/index.php/recherche/equipes-de-recherche/momappli

  • Abstract: The team deals with high performance scientific computing, with a focus on reliable tools for localizing eigenvalues of large sparse matrices (see 6.1.4 ).

LIRIMA laboratory: EPIC team (Tunisia)

Participants : Amine Abdelmoula, Jocelyne Erhel, Sinda Khalfallah, Bernard Philippe.

  • Program: Laboratoire International de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées

  • Title: Problèmes Inverses et Contrôle

  • Inria principal investigator: Houssem Haddar, Defi team

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): ENIT, University of Tunis, Tunisia - LAMSIN - Amel ben Abda

  • Duration: 2011-2013

  • See also: http://www.lirima.uninet.cm/index.php/recherche/equipes-de-recherche/epic

  • Abstract: The team deals with nonlinear and inverse problems.

Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing (USA)

Participant : Jocelyne Erhel.

  • Program: Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing

  • Inria principal investigator: Franck Cappello and Laura Grigori, Grand Large team

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA - Marc Snir and Bill Gropp

  • Duration: 2011-2013

  • See also: http://jointlab.ncsa.illinois.edu/

  • Abstract: The team works on deflation methods and their integration into the software PETSc (see 6.1.1 ); the team works also on domain decomposition methods (see 6.4.2 ).

CEDRE program: MODNUM project (Lebanon)

Participants : Édouard Canot, Jocelyne Erhel, Bernard Philippe.

  • Program: CEDRE Lebanon

  • Title: Modélisation numérique pour des applications libanaises

  • Inria principal investigator: Jocelyne Erhel and Bernard Philippe

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): American University of Beirut (Lebanon)

  • Duration: Jan 2012 - Dec 2013

  • Abstract: the project deals with numerical parallel algorithms and with applications to archaeology.

ECOS Sud (Argentina): ARPHYMAT project

Participant : Édouard Canot.

  • Program: COFECUB

  • Title: Processus de formation et transformation de structures de combustion archéologique

  • Inria principal investigator: Édouard CANOT

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

  • Duration: Jan 2012 - Dec 2014

  • Abstract: the project concerns numerical simulations of prehistoric fires and comparison with archaeological data in South America.

Inria Euromediterranean: HYDRINV project

Participants : Édouard Canot, Jocelyne Erhel, Sinda Khalfallah, Bernard Philippe.

  • Program: Euromediterranean 3+3

  • Title: Direct and inverse problems in subsurface flow and transport

  • Coordination: H. ben Ameur, ENIT, Tunisia and J. Jaffré, Inria, Paris

  • Inria-Rennes principal investigator: Jocelyne Erhel

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Université Ibn Tofail - Faculté des Sciences de Kénitra (Morocco) - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Ressources Naturelles et en Environnement - Zoubida Mghazli

    • Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (Tunisia) - Laboratoire de Modélisation en Hydraulique et Environnement - Rachida Bouhlila

    • Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) - Department Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Anålisis Numérico - Tomas Chacon Rebollo

    • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) - Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geo-Sciences - Xavier Sànchez Vila

    • University Centre of KHEMIS MILIANA (Algeria) - Laboratoire de l'Energie et des Systèmes Intelligents - Mohammed Hachama

    • Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (Morocco) - LERMA - Rajae Aboulaich

    • Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (Tunisia) - Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique dans les Sciences de l'Ingénieur - Hend Ben Ameur

  • Duration: Jan 2012 - Dec 2015

  • The management of water resources is a problem of great importance in all countries, and is particularly acute around the Mediterranean sea. The goal is to find a reasonable balance between these resources and demand while preserving the quality of water. Towards this goal it is essential to understand and simulate flow and transport in the subsurface. The science corresponding to this topic is hydrogeology. Since models become more and more complicated and quantitative answers must be given, numerical modeling become more and more sophisticated and mathematicians must also be involved. This project brings together hydrogeologists and mathematicians from France, Spain, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia in order to develop, analyze, and validate numerical methods for several problems arising from modeling flow and transport in the subsurface. The emphasis is put on direct nonlinear problems (air-water flow, density driven flow related to salinization, transport with chemistry) and on inverse problems.

Joint supervision of M. Oumouni's PhD (Morroco)

Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Mestapha Oumouni.

  • Program: International joint supervision of PhD agreement

  • Title: Méthodes numériques et leur analyse pour la résolution des équations de l'écoulement et de transport en milieux poreux hétérogènes et aléatoires

  • Inria principal investigator: Jocelyne Erhel

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): University Ibn Tofail - Faculté des Sciences de Kénitra (Morocco) - Zoubida Mghazli

  • Duration: Jan 2009 - June 2013

  • Abstract: see 6.3.3 .

Joint supervision of A. Abdelmoula's PhD (Tunisia)

Participants : Amine Abdelmoula, Bernard Philippe.

  • Program: International joint supervision of PhD agreement

  • Title: Résolution de problèmes inverses en géodésie physique

  • Inria principal investigator: Bernard Philippe

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis - LAMSIN (Tunisia) - Maher Moakher

  • Duration: 2005 - 2013

  • Abstract: The objective is to compute a set of point-mass which generate an a priori given gravitational field (see 8.4.7 , 8.4.3 ).

Joint supervision of S. Khalfallah's PhD (Tunisia)

Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Sinda Khalfallah.

  • Program: International joint supervision of PhD agreement

  • Title: Contribution à l'analyse mathématique et numérique de quelques problèmes issus de l'hydrogéologie

  • Inria principal investigator: Jocelyne Erhel

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis - LAMSIN (Tunisia) - Amel ben Abda

  • Duration: 2010 - 2014

  • Abstract: The objective is to solve data completion problems applied to hydrogeology (see 8.4.7 , 8.4.3 ).